CCRPA Newsletter 2020/03/21

Dear real estate colleagues,

The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) global spread and escalation has brought serious harm and disaster to countries and people around the world.  It has also brought severe shocks and impacts to the Canadian real estate industry that had already recovered. During this difficult and special period, the Canada-China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA) and CCRPA Foundation called on our colleagues in the real estate industry to follow the advice, requirements and arrangements of the governments and regulatory institutions, to fight this crisis alongside our governments. The pandemic situation must be well controlled to restore our lives and work to a normal state. This requires the solidarity and cooperation of all of us. We hope that colleagues in the real estate industry can: 

  1. Keep calm, follow the advice and requirements of our governments, and put health and safety first. We must first protect ourselves, and our families. Try to avoid going out and being infected! This can reduce the burden on our medical institutions, allowing for the reasonable and effective use of the limited medical resources in our society, and avoid the collapse of our medical system. This is also the greatest contribution each of our citizens can make to society and to fight the pandemic.
  1. Follow the advice and requirements from our real estate boards. As of today, the Ontario Real Estate Association OREA released a news flash requesting all real estate agents to stop hosting OPEN HOUSE. Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (TRREB) is strongly recommending that Members stop conducting in-person open houses during the Ontario State of Emergency. TRREB will be suppressing open houses on Stratus MLS® and our public facing websites, Collaborate and, until it is safe to restore regular service.
  1. Work together to overcome difficulties. Everyone knows that there is a shortage of anti-epidemic materials in Canada. Our government issued related policies and measures on March 20. Many factories in Canada will switch production or increase production capacity. The tightness and shortage of anti-epidemic materials are temporary. We believe that the government will solve the shortage of supplies of epidemic prevention materials soon. However, as a member of Canada and a member of society, when the country and society are in trouble, we must share the responsibility. To this end, we call on our colleagues in the real estate industry to support the medical institutions and medical services that fight for us on the front line of the epidemic. We can contribute from our power to social health and safety. You can click the link below to donate directly to the following hospitals (this is only a partial list of hospitals; everyone can donate to any medical institution they wish).
  1. At the same time, in order to cope with the temporary shortage of epidemic prevention materials, we recommend that if you have spare epidemic prevention materials, in addition to retaining some of them for your own use, contact the hospital, fire station, police station, clinic or public health staff near you, and save the rest. Through donated materials, let us work together with the Canadian society to overcome temporary difficulties.

We hope that everyone’s donation will be indicative of a loving heart as we do our best. We will not contribute for the sake of fame and benefit but rather reflecting our Canadian values.  


March 21, 2020 


Canada-China Realty Professional Association Foundation





Some hospital donation websites: 


  1. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Sunnybrook has established the COVID-19 Research Response Program. This program is led by physicians experienced in virus transmission, diagnosis, and vaccine development, and they are also key members of the team that isolates the COVID-9 virus. Donations will help accelerate this study, which will have a direct impact on patients in Canada and around the world.) Http://
  1. Mackenzie Health (one of the first five COVID-19 designated hospitals)
  1. North York General Hospital (one of the first five COVID-19 designated hospitals);jsessionid=00000000.app20114b?df_id=2520&mfc_ pref = T & 2520.donation = form1 & NONCE_TOKEN = 87E7254785017A247D3E08C0595CCB26
  1. Scarborough General (one of the first five COVID-19 designated hospitals)
  1. Markham Stouffville Hospital (the city with the highest proportion of Chinese)

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