Canada-China Real Estate & Home Expo / Canada-China Real Estate Summit 2018 was a success

After six months of preparation, the biggest exhibition in the history of the Chinese community in Canada: Canada-China Real Estate & Home Expo / Canada-China Real Estate Summit 2018 (Home Expo) organized by Canada-China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA) and co-organized by Jade Expo ended successfully on Oct. 21, 2018 at the Le Parc Banquet Exhibition Center in Markham.  According to preliminary statistics, the number of visitors to the Expo has exceeded 20,000 in two and a half days. The survey shows 98% satisfaction from the exhibitors.  More than half of the exhibitors have already reserved the 2019 Expo booth before the end of the exhibition. According to the organizers, over 100 companies registered the next year’s Home Expo 2 days after the event.

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Le Parc welcoming the Real Estate & Home Expo (Canada-China) 2018

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Senator Victor Oh, Consul General of China in Toronto Tao Han, Majid Jowhari MP, Jean Yip MP, Geng Tan MP, Billy Pang MPP, Regional Councillor Joe Li, Nirmala Armstrong, Markham Councillor Alex Chiu, Alan Ho, Richmond hill Councillor Godwin Chan, Canada real estate industry representatives, local business and community leaders, exhibitors, media reporters, and over 1000 people attended the Home Expo grand opening, summit and night gala.

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Home Expo organizer CCRPA president Steven Sun spoke at Home Expo opening ceremony
Home Expo co-organizer Jade Expo CEO Amy Wang spoke at the Home Expo opening ceremony
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Senator Victor Oh
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Consul General of China in Toronto Tao Han
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Majid Jowhari MP
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Billy Pang MPP
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Richmond hill Councillor Godwin Chan, Regional Councillor Nirmala Armstrong, Markham Councillor Alan Ho sent greeting letters to the Home Expo

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Regional Councillor Joe Li

According to the CCRAP President Steven Sun, the Home Expo promoted the healthy development of the real estate market through exhibitions, summit forums and seminars, and expands understanding of real estate market investment and development. Real estate brokers, developers, finance, investors, realtors, suppliers and service providers build high-end business platforms, providing a panoramic view and a complete industrial chain to meet all the requirements of the public for real estate and home. The President Steven Sun emphasized that the purpose of this Home Expo was to serve the merchants, the home owners and the community.

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The Home Expo 2018 was organized by Canada-China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA) and co-organized by Jade Expo, focused on Canada real estate and home services, covered in 6 areas (Real estate sale & development, Financing & investment, Construction and renovation materials, Furniture & Appliances, Home design & decoration, home services).  In over 50,000 sq. ft. of exhibition halls, close to 150 high quality exhibitors and 20+ seminars attracted and served many Chinese from GTA. From the number and the variety of the exhibitors, to the size of exhibition hall and the number of activities, this expo was 2+ times greater than the first expo.  This expo was definitely the biggest exhibition in the history of the Chinese community in Canada.

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According to the CCRAP President Steven Sun, the Home Expo promoted the healthy development of the real estate market through exhibitions, summit forums and seminars, and expands understanding of real estate market investment and development. Real estate brokers, developers, finance, investors, realtors, suppliers and service providers build high-end business platforms, providing a panoramic view and a complete industrial chain to meet all the requirements of the public for real estate and home. The President Steven Sun emphasized that the purpose of this Home Expo was to serve the merchants, the home owners and the community.

an excited exhibitor


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During the Home Expo, the 1st Canada China Real Estate Summit was held in Le Parc hall C. Hand-picked authorities from the above 6 areas participated in face-to-face communication with community audiences, providing the first-hand views on the current new market dynamics, professional insights, and opportunities to establish relationships with top tier professionals.

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Panel discussion in summit


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In the evening gala, the organizers also hosted a grand business reception, inviting nearly a thousand social and business VIPs to attend the event. Sandra De Medeiros, CEO of the Real Estate Institute of Canada, awarded the “Canada Real Estate FRI” certificate to 20 real estate elites. At the same time, the organizers also took this opportunity to express their sincere gratitude to the friendly groups and individuals who have been caring for and supporting the CCRPA for years.

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Evening gala at Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre
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Home Expo organizer CCRPA president Steven Sun spoke at evening gala
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Home Expo organizer CCRPA president Steven Sun spoke at evening gala
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Home Expo co-organizer Jade Expo CEO Amy Wang spoke at the evening gala
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Geng Tan MP, Jean Yip MP, and Majid Jowhari MP spoke and delivered the greeting letter from the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau
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Richmond hill Councillor Godwin Chan and Markham Councillor Alan Ho spoke at the evening gala
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Fellow of the Real Estate Institute (FRI)

The Home Expo organizer, CCRPA has more than 6,000 individual members in the 100 real estate and related industry companies. It is the largest organization and platform in the Canadian Chinese real estate industry, and also brings together real estate-related Elites in various industries. CCRPA hosted the three-day Canada-China Real Estate Expo, the Canada China Real Estate Summit Forum and the Business Reception, which aimed to provide participants with excellent opportunities for display and exchanges, and bring more opportunities for business cooperation. Also to provide services for real estate and related industries to the masses of the Greater Toronto Area, especially the populous Chinese people, to benefit the general public. Further to strive to make the Expo become the largest, most content, and longest real estate home exhibition event in the Canadian Chinese community each year.

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Thanks to MC Jessica!
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Thanks to our volunteers!
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Thanks music band played at the evening gala!

Sorting 2019 Home Expo order forms, limited booth first come first serve.

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