China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA) First Overseas Study Tour – Rivera Maya, Mexico Exploration Team


The Canada China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA) aims to promote and strengthen cooperation, communication, learning, and research among its members, directors, and professionals in the real estate industry. In order to explore the development of overseas real estate, culture, and tourism investments, CCRPA is planning to organize the first overseas study tour: a 5-day, 4-night inspection trip to Rivera Maya, Mexico, from January 17 to January 21, 2024. During this time, professionals from the real estate industry will gather to participate in various team-building and educational activities, making it a grand event in the Toronto real estate community.

This Caribbean real estate inspection and study session will bring together board members of the chamber, presidents of various real estate companies, top brokers from previous years, fellows of the Canadian Real Estate Institute, and representatives from other real estate-related companies, totaling 50 people. The tour to the Caribbean resort will integrate vacation, leisure, inspection, and discussions, providing an excellent opportunity for close contact and networking with Toronto’s real estate industry elites. It also serves as a platform for business exchange and opportunities for individuals and companies.

Currently, registration for the first seminar, sponsorship, and advertising opportunities are actively underway. Interested parties are encouraged to register promptly. Details can be found in the attached documents. Starting this week, registration is open to all real estate company brokers (including spouses) and relevant personnel.

With a total capacity of 50 people, registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and the deadline is when full capacity is reached. Upon confirmation, a $300 CAD deposit via E-Transfer will secure your spot, refundable until December 10. Full payment is due to the travel agency by December 10, and company transfers or checks are accepted. Please include the payment note “CCRPA Conference 2024” and notify CCRPA via [email protected]. We strive for a balanced budget for this conference, collaborative cooperation, and a successful outcome. Registration link: or contact us directly.

Inquiring Contacts:
Christine Xu: WeChat ID: cxu8118, Tel: 416-716-6468
Email: [email protected]
Jeany Liu: WeChat ID: yanping1279 Tel: 416-275-1279
Email:[email protected]
Jim Zhang: Email: [email protected] Tel: 6475043363

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