日前有报道,说多伦多市中心, 有一套1房的condo要卖, 叫价 59 万 9 千9,引起不少买家关注,至少有30多人下Offer, 竞争异常激烈, 最後有一个人直接加价8万, 成功抢下了这个单位, 其他人虽然不甘心,但也没办法, 有人说这就是所谓的 Bully offer, 安省地产协会随即说, 这麽做是不公平!呼吁政府修法禁止, 而业界怎麽看呢? 安省地产协会还想改正房仲业哪些不合时宜的现象呢? OMNI邀请加中地产投资总商会会长孙志峰先生谈谈看法, 详情请见访谈视频。
China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA) First Overseas Study Tour – Rivera Maya, Mexico Exploration Team
The Canada China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA) aims to promote and strengthen cooperation, communication, learning, and research among its members, directors, and professionals in the