REIC FRI Induction Ceremony

After referral, training & interview, 21 real estate elites got Fellow of the Real Estate Institute(FRI) certificate from Sandra De Medeiros, CEO of the Real Estate Institute of Canada (REIC) at Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre on Oct. 20, 2018.  The evening gala was organized by Canada-China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA) and co-organized by Jade Expo along with the Canada-China Real Estate & Home Expo / Canada-China Real Estate Summit 2018 (Home Expo).  The gala started with a grand business reception, nearly a thousand social and business VIPs invited to attend the event, followed with the REIC Induction Ceremony.

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Congrats Bi, Yunlai on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Gong, Maokun (Brady) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Huang, Paul on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Jiang, Jun on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Kan, Kai (Anthony) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Li, Hongkai (Henry) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Li, Jinsong (John) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Li, Weiguo (Bill) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Liu, Simon on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Liu Yanping (Jeany) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Luo, Chang on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Shang, Jianliang (Sunny) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Sun, Yizi (April) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Wang, Yan on getting REIC FRI certificate!


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Congrats Wen, Zhicheng (Lucky) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Wu, Ruijuan (Susan) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Xiao, Huanli (Harry) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Yang, Hong on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Yu, Arthur on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Yuan, Haobin (Herman) on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Yuan, Patrick on getting REIC FRI certificate!
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Congrats Zhao, Youliang (Arthur) on getting REIC FRI certificate!

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